Tuesday 9 September 2008

little rainbows

at this point i was settled in my new house, i was on maternity leave, with no intention of returning, and life was good. we had a good routine, and i was happy. i had been aware of support groups in my local area, but there was a difficulty accessing them when i was working, in the day, and child care in the evening. i heard of a meeting with Doncaster Autistic Society, one evening when George was around 6 weeks old, and stuart decided to baby sit while i attended the meeting. at the meeting, another parent, expressed an interest in setting up a pre-school group aimed at families with autistic children, as she, like myself had a young child, and found it difficult to attend meetings. i said i would like to help her in this quest, as i felt it was an area of need for me personally, and that is could assist in my chosen career, of psychology, which i was studying towards with the Open University.

unfortunately, before we could discuss this any further, my mobile rang, and it was Stuart need ing me to come home, as he couldnt cope with george, who was screaming in the background. i made my apologies, and left the meeting. upon my return home, i found george laid on my bed screaming, and sturat rocking at the top of the stairs with his head in his hands! i picked up George, and gave him a bottle, as he was hungrey, and all was silent! at this point, stuart said he would not feel comfortable looking after George on his own again, so this gave me all the more reason to set up what was to be Little Rainbows.

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