Sunday, 7 September 2008

and then there were 2!

so now its official, i have 2 autistic kids. not really having any other experience of autism or aspergers, i didnt really know how my kids were different to any others. my main experience of autism was via the media, and such films as "rainman", so i figured my kids werent really that badly affected.

due to the involvement of social services, due to the whole child proetecion register thing, we were refered to Doncaster Autistic Society, a local service for families affected by autism in Doncaster. they provided us with a family support worker, who was very nice annd friendly, but about as supportive as a hanky as a bra! this was through no fault of her own, her heart was definately in the right place, but we both knew all the theory, its putting it into pracice with a pair of nightmare children!

at this point my partner and i were both working full time, which left us no chance of accesing support groups,which were either during the day, or in the evening, when we couldnt get baby sitters. i was aware that trips were provided in the school holidays, by DAS, but i was nervous to go on these, as i believed my children werent really "autistic per sa. when i eventually decided to go on a trip, to the National Railway Museum in York, as soon as we got on the coach, i realised my kids were the worst there! the trip was such a disaster, that an hour in i had to call Stuart to drive to York from Doncaster to collect us, as there was no way i could manage both kids on my own. any subsequent trips we went on, we always made sure that DAS provided us with a care!

by now Cameron was in a major buggy, as he was pretty much uncontrolable, would rund into the road, escape, fight with connor, etc. not long after, i found out i was pregnant, which through a whole new spanner in the works!

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